About Us
Hello, my name is Kostiantyn and I am a computer hardware enthusiast. A few years ago I have started my YouTube channel Miyconst, even though the channel is still very small with only ~31k subscribers, it was more successful than I thought. With the channel growth, I have got multiple requests for my services and to be able to fulfill the demand, I have established my company - One Gigahertz AB.
Delivery & Returns
To reduce waste and the shipping cost I offer only reused packaging. Please let me know if you want fancy branded package and are willing to pay extra for it.
Unfortunately, shipping from Sweden is very expensive. I am searching for cheaper alternatives but so far I can only offer traceable shipping for €15 and non traceable for €8. This applies to light packages that fit into an envelope.
Please contact me if you would like to arrange a combined shipping or come and pick your order in person.

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Contact Us
Daily 18:00 — 21:00